Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Pronounce Beauty Brands

Above we have the famous line from Showgirls but we've all been there, right? Well close enough anyway, there's nothing as embarrassing as having the chats with beauty bloggers or PRs at events and not being sure about the pronunciation of a brand so trying to talk around it instead. I know I can't be the only one. I can't!

Having had enough of trying to pronounce L'Occitane , I took it upon myself to ask the shop assistant in their shop in Dundrum a little while back, if anyone would know it'd be her, wouldn't it? 'Oh sure' sez she, 'It's Loss-ih-tan-yay'. 'Fantastic, Thanks' sez I, 'Oh, no problem, sure look it up on You-Tubey'. YOUTUBEY!?!? I thanked her smiling, tried not to chuckle and left, none the wiser, but took her advise and hit Youtubey.

I found the following vidjos from where Alexis Finc had them made following an embarrassing situation while interning. Check 'em out below and of course their site as I only linked the most commonly mispronounced brands.


Shu Uemura




So half of you are probably thinking 'What the actual?' the other half are in the same boat as me, I know it! Be sure to check out Beauty Riot TV for more helpful vids, whether you admit you want to see 'em or not!

You could always be a sweetie and tell me I'm not alone, I'd appreciate that... Are there any brands or words that cause you difficulty with pronunciation? Spill!


  1. I've always had trouble with Shu Uemura..I tend to just say Shu and then mumble something incoherent.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This is why I'm glad I write about nail polish and instead of making videos . That would only end badly :P

  3. I asked a friend for some hand cream and she said "I've only got L'Occitane" and pronounced it Loxytan. And I thought she said Oxy-Tan which sounds like some sort of medicated tanning product, does it not? So I was like - no thanks. It took me a minute, and then I remembered that actually, you do pronounce L'Occitane "Loxytan" and I had to go crawling back for the handcream. I always used to say "Loccitan" and add in a ridiculous French accent for good measure. But I was wrong. :-( x

    1. Oh it's all about the ridiculous accent, I'm still replaying them & practising - am a hopeless case ;D

  4. AnonymousJune 18, 2012

    Thanks for sharing those. I'll practice until the day comes that I can actually afford to buy something from those lines and need to pronounce them correctly. ;)

    Ali x

  5. Kerastase. Ker-a-stass? or Ker-a-stass-ay? No idea. Everyone says it differently here!

    1. Haha, Simone, there's a vid for that!

  6. Ha ha! Love this! Funny coz it's true! :)

  7. My Dublin accent gets flatter every time I pronounce something fancy --- great post


I know, right?