Thursday, July 21, 2016

Things That Rustle My Jimmies ~ The Blogging Edition

It's been a long week, lads. I've been in the blogging game for years now & this has quite possibly been the most trying of the lot. Herein lie some of the worst jimmie rustlers I've ever encountered... 

1.    Being invited for an overnight in a hotel, driving 3 hours to find they’d advertised that I’d be there & had local press waiting. 

Spending 2 hours meeting & greeting their guests, while gurning for press with each of them.

Accepting an offer of a drink from the manager during the melee only to find it was billed to my room the next day!!

2. Being met with astonishment by the agency when I invoiced them for the above. 

3. Schlepping an hour to an event & realising they don’t have product. 

Lipstick can be swatched at any counter, even counters have samples to work with!

4. Suffering serious FOMO watching Snaps from a gorgeous event then remembering it had been in my diary for fortnight….

5. ‘Unfortunately we don’t have a budget for this campaign’

Tell me, can you relate? Please tell me no to the first two.... What's been rustling your jimmies this week, blogging or otherwise...

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