Thursday, February 23, 2017

Things That Rustle My Jimmies ~ 23/02/17

Morning, All, ready for the great unrustling? 

Here's what's been rustling my jimmies this week, as per uje, this list is not exhaustive because people. 

1. People that give their dogs soothers

2. When, despite being pleaded with not to, the office cleaner upends your desk & wipes your screen with a dirty cloth!

3. Blogger threads on Boards filled with people hate watching content creators just for bitching fodder

4. 'Oh you're going out again this evening? 
You've the life of Reilly'

5. 'Irish Bloggers never question or criticize anything, they're all so vanilla'

Tell me, can you relate? What's been rustling your jimmies this week? 


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