I mentioned on Twitter today my new found struggle against biting people on the daily. I find myself irrationally angry of late so, in the name of public safety, let's unrustle some jimmies, shall we?
Be sure to tell me, on your platform of choice what's grinding your gears this week, what's driving you demented, what's rustling your jimmies - here's mine:
1. 'I really shouldn't be eating this, it's so bold'.
2. Waiting for Irish invoices
3. Wating at pedestrian lights and someone stands between you and it to press the, already pressed, button.
4. 'Oh my GOD, I've made the Blog Awards Long List!!!!'
(the list you had to physically put yourself onto)
(Which also quotes exactly what you said about yourself at the time of entering if you click 'View Blog')
5. The 2017 Rose of Tralee, a Doctor specialising in women's health, when asked about the 8th Amendment:
'I'm not ready to talk about anything like that'
Ok, release the Kraken, what's been rustling your jimmies this week?

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