Friday, December 14, 2012

Cherry Pick of the Crimbo Flicks: Five Favourite Christmas Movies

We're a movie loving family here at Casa Cherry as we all know but never more so than at Christmas time. There's nowt quite like cosying up for the evening, hot chocolate (with Bailey's for Momma) in hand to enjoy a festive flick. 

I thought I'd pick out 5 of my favourites, if you haven't seen one of them before I'd urge you to give it a looksee this season and by all means, do please let me know your favourite Crimbo movie in the comments, I'm always on the lookout for more! 

1. Scrooged

I genuinely can't believe Scrooged is 24 years old. Fun fact: when I was 10 we went to the premiere, I wore my Mickey Mouse reversable jumper and we met Ray D'Arcy WITH hair. It could be that or the fact that Bill Murray is the knees of a bee but this movie is one of my all time favourites. 

2. Love Actually

Like The Notebook before it, Love Actually is one of those movies that I unashamedly laugh, cry, bawl and snot at every single year. I'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite character of this British ensemble cast but Bill Nighy and Alan Rickman are right up there. Another Richard Curtis gem, it's not Christmas until this has been played. At least once.

3. The Grinch

Jim Carrey's role in The Grinch has to be one of his best. The self deprecating, cuttingly sarcastic Grinch makes me laugh out loud every time, despite the 12 bajillion times I've seen this movie start to finish. 

4. Elf

Quite possibly my favourite festive film ever made, Elf is one of the funniest movies you'll have the pleasure to see this season. Laugh out loud funny right the way through, I find myself quoting from this in every day life and giving a nod of approval to people who get it. Will Ferrell IS Elf. Absolute class.

5. Home Alone

Coming from  the almost prehistoric 1990(!!) is the now iconic Home Alone. The movie that catapulted Culkin into stardom and, in my opinion, never gets old. The slapstick comedy in this flick has made the lads laugh from before they could even talk and still works now. Now that's movie making at it's finest. 

So tell me, what movie screams Christmas to you? Which flick is the first to be played when the tree goes up? I'd love to know...


Lovely Girlie Bits said...

Emm..... I've never seen Elf... *screams and runs to hide* I'll deffo watch it this year before Xmos!

Scrooged is one of my all time faves as is Love Actually :)

I love love love Home Alone, Miracle of 34th Street and I know they're not Chrismo films, but all the Harry Potters get me in the festive mood as they were always released just before Xmos :)

I'm sure I'll think of more and be raging I didn't put them in, so I'll probably be back :)

Anonymous said...

But you left out Die Hard!!!!! Or am I just wierd? Yipee Ki Yay Mo fo....

Anonymous said...

I love Scrooged! Carol Kane's character of the slightly demented and sadistic fairy cum Ghost of Christmas Present is my favourite.

Ali x

CD Duplication said...

Cherry pick of crimbo flicks five is given in the post here good post

CD duplication said...

Very nicely done. Was this done by some professional?