Monday, November 11, 2013

HealGel Intensive for Scarring with Before & After Photos

Created by 'a team of leading British plastic and cosmetic surgeons with the help of a renowned dermatological biochemist and a well known actor' HealGel has been in my possesion for about two months now. Having been lauded by pretty much every print media source, I was delighted to include it in my every day routine but even more delighted when it worked actual wonders for my eldest, Aaron. 


Packed full of natural ingredients for pain relief, Arnica (renowned for helping bruising & swelling), Silicone to mask scarring, this aqueous gel uses nanotechnology to penetrate the skin and deliver the skin healing properties to where they're needed most. 

Truth be told, I hadn't read too much into the background of HealGel before my use, instead I just enjoyed the comforting, hydrating feeling on my cleansed skin. When I delved further though, I knew it could be put to great use. Aaron (17) managed to burn his face with the iron a couple of months back, don't ask me how - don't ask him either as 'I Unno' is pretty much all you'll get. 

While I wasn't savvy enough to snap a clearer before picture, we did have a fairly decent one to hand and I'd like you to see just what HealGel has done for him in just 4 weeks: 

That 2 inch scar was almost purple and angry for about 2 weeks before we started using HealGel and the second picture was taken yesterday. While the brand recommend you use the gel three times a day, this experiment consisted of me wrestling him once a day, or throwing the bottle in his direction so that he'd use it himself. He didn't hold out much hope but we're both astounded by the results. 

His scar no longer itches, is all but disappeared (though can still be seen on close inspection) and his skin tone is returning on the damaged tissue but as of last week, when he saw the difference it was making, Aaron is now applying HealGel voluntarily three times a day - that's huge. 

We'll certainly be keeping this on hand for any future accidents (God forbid) but if you have damaged tissue or scarring in need of some TLC, I'd recommend HealGel heartily. 

More info and purchasing details here. 


lou said...

Ooooh it looks like its really made a difference actually! Ill keep this in mind in case I ever have something that might potentially scar xxx

oiilive said...

Nice review.

Stephanie Barry said...

What a difference :O. That is fantastic! If this stuff works on stretchmarks I'll definitely have to pick some up and give it a go.

Anonymous said...

Ooh wow! I wish I had that a few years ago to use on my Caesar scar from Hannah. Liams scar healed beautifully but hers didn't...

Unknown said...

Sounds great, I'm always burning myself when cooking must get this - or give up cooking!!