Friday, September 06, 2013

About Time Flash Reader Giveaway

Hey all and Happy Friday!

I have the most beautiful prize for you lovely lot today with thanks to @Universal_Irl to celebrate the release of About Time this week (Sept 4th).

It's a beautiful, fully equipped pic-a-nic basket and heart shaped umbrella for the perfect romantic date and entry is open to all ROI residents.

It's a FLASH Giveaway so you'll have to be quick, just tell me below 'Who is Domhnal's famous Irish Poppa?'

Leave your answer in a comment with the username you use to follow CherrySue (GFC, Twitter etc) (New followers welcome, always) and we'll pick a lucky winner on Monday!

Good luck, everyone!

CherrySue xx

We have a winner! 
Aishling Sheehy - Huge Conrats xx


B said...

Hi Sue, think it's Brendan Gleeson. I'm on Twitter @warriormomof2. Thanks! :-)

Anonymous said...

Brendan Gleeson! On Twitter:@meabhygravey :)

Unknown said...

Mr Brendan Gleeson from daytob@twitter

Aisling Sheehy said...

Brendan Gleeson

Twitter: @totalmakeupadd

GFC: Aisling Sheehy


TheGingerTart said...

OOOH, I'm a sucker for picnic hampers. Daddy is Brendan Gleeson @TheGingerTart

Anonymous said...

Brendan Gleeson..... I just want that umbrella!!! @DarcyCameron7

Audrey Murphy said...

Brendan Gleeson :) @63thepark

Kate Fogliaresi said...

Brendan Gleeson 😊 @squishy_frog

Anonymous said...

OOhh its only the Fabulous Brendan Gleeson!


remeneerb said...

Brendan Gleeson, i'm on facebook, twitter emerbreen1 and remeneerb on GFC !

Rafaela said...

Look at that picnic basket, oh my!! The answer is Brendan Gleeson :)) I'm following you on bloglovin and twitter @rgerson_

Dawnio63 said...

his famous poppa is Brendan gleeson!
fab prize! x

AnnAR said...

Mr Awesome himself Brendan Gleeson !! Follow on Facebook and Twitter @gormalcrafts

Wonkey Chef said...

brendan gleeson :) , me and daniel need this , we need romance in our lives , if we break up it cud be because of losing this, cud u live with yo-self if that happened ???

JSP said...

Brendan Gleeson!!


Anonymous said...

It's Brendan Gleeson. I never knew there was such a thing as umbrella lust until I saw that picture :D Twitter: @AislingMc23

Amy J said...

Brendan Gleeson...cant wait to see this film :) twitter @xxxjonesyxxx

susan cunningham said...

Brendan Gleeson, @cunninsuu

ameriev said...

Brendan Gleeson @ameriev on twitter

Samantha Williams said...

Brendan Gleeson. @srmwilliams on twitter. :) xx

Lavisa said...

Brendan Gleason @lavisab :)

Lavisa said...

Gleeson! :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Brendan Gleeson :D xx @Rosemarybeads00 on twitter

Heather! said...

It's Brendan Gleeson!

GCostello said...

Brendan Gleason @cherryblosgifts

Unknown said...

Brendan! This is a really cute prize.

lightup said...

Brendan Gleeson

I'm lyn_smyth on Twitter

NiamhO said...

Brendan Gleeson! Such a nice prize! @nog_ on twitter Gfc: NiamhO

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful hamper! So rosemantic... I needs it in my life! Brendan Gleeson @mariamartindub

Unknown said...

Brendan Gleeson

Please put me into the draw - thank you xx
gholmes724 ((at)) gmail ((d0t)) com

Anonymous said...

Brendan Gleeson


Unknown said...

Brendan Gleeson
@JingerKatKK on Twitter

Sue Butler said...

Answer Brendan Gleeson

Unknown said...

Answer Brendan Gleeson

@mathona123 and Martina Caulfield

Judith Whelan said...

Brendan Gleeson
Judith Whelan on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

It's Brendan Gleeson! I'm Laura Walsh on Facebook thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cherry Sue! Fabulous prize as usual!! The answer is Brendan Gleeson! I follow you as Jennifer O'Connor on Facebook and JOCGOC on Twitter!!

Unknown said...

Brendan Gleeson.

Unknown said...

Brendan Gleeson @EvpowCorry :)Amazing prize :)

Anonymous said...

Brendan Gleeson
Brill prize...
Facebook: Audrey Jude Waugh-Work

thanks xxx

blossimhill said...

Brendan Gleeson

Amy said...

Brendan Gleeson @amyfilthygorgeo

Tim said...

Brendan Gleeson @panmyers