Thursday, March 03, 2016

Things That Rustle My Jimmies

Cometh the woman, cometh the hour ~ it's high time there were some jimmies unrustled 'round these parts, right? 

1. The 134 paper cuts I managed to sustain 
counting votes for the election...

2. Chad, Brad and/or Tad the beefy, young American Mormons that insist on harassing people in and out of our office every single day. I'm not buying your jovial for Jesus schtick, lads...

3. The dreaded after taste from food supplements...

4. Being so wiped out after doing a big shop that I end up ordering pizza from the flyer on the front of the wedged full fridge...

5. Election poster collectors not bothering their pretty little heads to 
pick up cable ties after themselves!

Tell us, can you relate?

What's been rustling your jimmies this week?

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