Monday, October 24, 2011

200 Follower Giveaway!!

Those more eagle eyed amongst us will notice that although I'm not yet at 200, we're a hair's breadth away! 

I'm hugely grateful to each and every one of you for reading but I'm also a spendaholic and sure shopping for giveaways doesn't count, right?

No doubt most of you have heard about this Holy Grail mascara by now from Benefit, if you haven't please check out my recent post telling of my grá. 

Fancy a slice o' this action? Sure you do!

To Enter:   This one's over, Lovelies but there's an Estée Lauder FB Giveaway until Friday!

1. Firstly, you must be a follower of the blog (new followers vay welcome) via Google Friend Connect. (I'll be checking). If you're not following yet, get clicking on the GFC box on the right, with the quickness! (If it's missing, please hit refresh, it can be temperamental) 

2. For a second entry, follow yours truly on Twitter @ItsCherrySue. You should see my tweets! Which you will if you follow. 

3. Third entry? You gotta give my Facebook page a big blue thumb up! You can find me here or by using the ickle FB box on the right. 

4. Lastly & completely optionally, for all you Twidder lovers,  Tweet the following 'Win They're Real with @itscherrysue o'er on

You must leave a comment on this post to tell me how many entries you are entitled to. Please include your email address/Twitter username/FB ID & GFC name. The giveaway will close on the 7th of November, that's a fortnight, folks. Aaand it's open Internationally

Winner will be drawn by to keep things fair. If you are under 18, please get your parent or guardian's permission to enter. 


mell61 said...

I'll rally the troops to get to the magic 200!
4 entries for me!
mell61 on both twitter and GFC
sue mell six-one carroll.

Makeup Hair and Glitz said...

Congrads on the followers Hun :) x x

Gfc & facebook - Makeup Hair and Glitz


Following on Twitter as- Makeup-h-glitz

Total entries : 4

Confessions Of A Makeupaholic said...

GFC Confessionsofamakeupaholic

I follow you on twitter @Dee90x

& I tweeted :)

Congrats on reaching 200 followers x

Fiona Darcy said...

All 4 done so that's 4 entries for me :)
Following on GFC as Fiona Darcy, on twitter as fi_darcy, on facebook as Fiona Darcy and have also tweeted re giveaway!! Love Benefit!!!
Nearly at 200 followers!!

Unknown said...

Fab give away :)) Congrats on the big 200 xxx

I follow with GFC its Maria Sparkle xxx

Anonymous said...

Four tix for me please!!!
GFC: girlwiththeskewearring
Twidder : skew_earring
FB: cindz1222
email: gwtse (at) Live (dot) ie

Congrats Mrs!!!

Unknown said...

gimme it gimme it

I is following you all over the shop, and I tweeted your tweet, so get busy and pick my name



Aoife - Babaduck said...

Trois pour mois s'il vous plait!

GFC, Twittah & FaceBuke

linda said...

4 for me:
GFC- linda callaghan
twitter- @callaghanlinda
FB- Linda Callaghan

Ria said...

Congrats lovely!
Count me in for 2!
Facebook :Ria Kod
Thanks :D

Louise said...

4 for me :)

GFC: Louise Nolan
Facebook: Louise Nolan
Twitter: @louiseeenolan

Anonymous said...

4 entries for me!

GFC: Miss_B
Facebook: Beatrise Bee
Twitter: @venus__noire
Tweeted about your giveaway too!

Beyond Blush said...

4 entries for me!
GFC: OPI Addict

Facebook: Laura Morrain
Twitter @opiaddict
Tweeted here:!/opiaddict/status/128671789705474048

Thanks for the great giveaway! xo

Marion said...

tweeted as senoritamarita
FB Marion Bruton
GFC marion

Emz said...

W.A.N.T .... please :)

GFC: Emz
Twitter: Emz_here

I likes ya on FaceBuuuk too!

Sheena said...

Hey great blog and Such a fab prize!!
I have 4 entries:
Twitter username: Sheena Ribena
FB ID: Sheena Ribena
GFC name sheena mc neill

Sandra said...

Following you with GFC.
Love the prize! x

Unknown said...

Well done its cause you is funny lady


my lashes need all the help they can get

Ruthie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruthie said...

follow blog, love it!:)
1. GFC:Ruthie
2. twitter: Dr_acula__ and 3. tweeted "Win They're Real with @itscherrysue o'er on"
and 4.liked your fb already: Ruthie Byrne
thanks! :)

Rebecca Smith said...

Mark me down for all 4 :)
I'm following on GFC as Bex Smith
I follow on Twitter as OhNoItsBex
I liked your page on Facebook as Bex Smith
I tweeted at OhNoItsBex

Thank you <3 xo

Shelli said...

Its Michelle Bradley on FB and Shellib44 on Twitter, I entered twice!! :-) Email:
Soo glad I found your blog!!!

cornflakegirl said...

Oooh, count me in Sue. Great giveaway.

FB-Paula D

That's three entries in total.

InspirationBeauty said...

GFC: Holly

Twitter: InspirationSays

Liked you on Facebook!

Tweeted :)

Thank you so much, really want to try this!

Four entries :)

Scarie said...

Wow so many amazing giveaways! thanks! GFC: Scarie, Twitter: scarie
Fb: Karie Murray

Sarah cakeinthecountry said...

Oh wow, reheeeeally want that mascara
4 entries!
Follower cakeinthecountry
Twitter @cakeinthcountry
FB - Sarah nicholson
Tweeted here:

Natalia said...

Two entries for me please!

GFC: Natalia McCarthy
Twidder : nataliamcc

fatema said...

GFC: fatema


facebook name: Fatema Gill

twitter name: @FatemaGill


SíleC said...

Enter me please! I bleedin' love this mascara & mine is just running out...
I did the first three things - SileC on GFC, Sile Coleman on FB, Silec on Twitter. Ta missus :-)

Kris Beauty said...

Congratulations on reaching 200 followers!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I follow you on GFC as Kris Beauty
I follow you on Twitter @Kris_Beauty
I like you on Facebook with the name Kris BeautyTag
I tweeted about this :!/Kris_Beauty/status/132780583121195008
So I've got a total of 4 entries :)
Email :

Sadi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

GFC: Karen
Twitter: @aussiegirlblogs
Facebook: Karen Wilson
Email: aussiegirlblogs at gmail dot com
Retweet giveaway on twitter:!/aussiegirlblogs/status/132792184700276736
Also following your blog on bloglovin

Thankyou for the giveaway :)


Ashlynn said...

4 entries for me.
GFC: Ashlynn
Twitter: @ashlynncueto
FB: The Little Beauty
Giveaway Tweet Link:!/ashlynncueto/status/132813641450913792


BeautyU said...

congrats on the followers! 2 entries for me, @beautyu of twitter, and email address is and GFC is beautyu!


pinkshoes76 said...

am a facebook follower emily o'regan
am a twitter follower pinkshoes076
have retweeted your message
and finally am a blog follower
best of luck getting many new followers
emily xx