Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How do you Clean Yours?


Safe in the knowledge that I will eventually progress to posts about how to clean my Mercedes SLK or indeed how to clean my South of France retirement home I can pose the everyday question – How do you clean your place?

Being short on time and even shorter on inclination my cleaning/blitzing habits tend to change given anything else of interest that might be happening in my life. Under constant threat though of the NinjaNan, appearing when you least expect her I think I need a better strategy.

As with every aspect of my life I’m always on the hunt for timesaving methods. More so for getting the boring cleaning stuff out of the way, such as say having children and guilting them into doing the monotonous bits. Which, I might add, they’re fairly snazzy at (Future Daughters in Law, you’re welcome!)

Discussing this very topic my younger Sis put me on the wonders of Cillit Bang, for absolutely everything. She did warn me though that if I were to use it in the loo to be mindful to warn the lads to flush before use following an unfortunate incident when her Hubby forgot to do just that. Let’s just say when the ad comes on in her house the tagline is met with a chorus of ‘Bang & your ring is gone’.

When work was manic and study was getting on top of me I was known, occasionally, to feign illness when unexpected visitors called – with the backup story of being couch bound (Realistically, not a lie at all).

For the most part though I employ what I like to call 'Operation When a Stranger Calls', this involves looking into each room with a ‘strangers eyes’ to gauge the level of piggery, happy in the knowledge that I’m doing ok. Save perhaps the occasional tumbleweed of Diesel’s hair (Big, fat dawg) during the summer months.

So how do you keep on top of it? Are your ninnies hidden under cushions? Or do you do black bags attacks like my father used to? – if you owned it & wanted it you’d 5 minutes to get it up or it would be lost forever! Ah good times.


Nic, Strawberry Blonde said...

Sorry I can't help as I'm exactly like you, but this post cracked me up - love it! Also love your 'About Me' over there >>> brought a wee tear to my eye (in a nice way) & much more eloquent than mine which I'm writing just now (in between cooking kids' dinner & tidying this morning's breakfast dishes away) ;-)
Nic xx

Breige said...

Oh my, that Cilit Bang story, LOL! Too funny!

Ah, the threat of things being thrown out unless they are picked up! I believe Babaduck has threatened to do that to my room when I was slacking on cleaning it, I was terrified it might *actually* happen!

Sue Jordan said...

Don't mess with no Babaduck! Duck be craaazy! ;)

@Nic I'm feeling your pain - its not the most glamorous side of Mammying is it? There is a glamorous side isn't there?! x