Saturday, December 21, 2013
WIN: Sam's Picks Real Techniques Brush Set - Open Internationally!
Didn't I tell you I wouldn't forget you International (to me) lovelies?
Our latest Giveaway is the much sought after and continually sold out (with very good reason) Sam's Picks Real Techniques brushes. These 6 brushes are Sam Chapman's personal picks of the entire range so you know you needs 'em.
Entry, as always, is ridiculously simple:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner announced Dec 24th x
WIN - Scentsational Cédrat Prize from Roger & Gallet!
Good afternoon and Happy Saturday to ye, those of you that aren't haring about shopping centres trying to get the last of your shopping done would fancy a FANCY giveaway, right?
Today, thanks to the olfactory geniuses over at Roger & Gallet we have something a little, no a lot special up for grabs.
Cédrat is a stunning unisex scent of citrus and deep green notes, ridiculously wearable by both the mens and the wimmins but I've an inkling you're going to want to keep this one for yourself... well, you can share if you're a better person than I.
Not only have I the 100ml, throw in your bag, bottle but I have a 500ML, literally priceless, as in money can't buy, dressing table edit with a beautiful glass stopper to keep all that citrussy goodness in.
This giveaway is open to ROI only as I'd be laughed out of An Post otherwise and the lucky winner will be announced on December 24th.
Good Luck!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
WIN Dr Hauschka Christmas Gift Collection Worth €150!
Another outrageously good Giveaway? Say whaaaat?
This morning one of the most criminally underrated natural beauty and skincare brands on the Irish market, Dr Hauschka, are being ridiculously generous and allowing one of you lucky suckers the chance to enjoy€150 of their incredible products.
For more than 40 years Dr.Hauschka has led the way in holistic skin care with 100% natural and organic ingredients blended to provide real remedies for skincare issues. Their make up ranges also reflect that ethos, all are made with natural ingredients to help revitalise and rejuvenate the skin but to look blahhdy good in doing so too.
Rafflecopter has been a doozy in this epic spate of Giveaways so lets continue the trend eh?
With postage issues this time entries are restricted to UK and Ireland unfortunately.
Winners will be announced Dec 24th.
The very best of luck to yis!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
WIN Your Every Skincare Need in a Deluxe La Roche-Posay Hamper worth Over €180!
Today's Star Giveaway is a fitting one for Christmas since it's an absolute cracker!
How would you like to soothe and care for your every skincare need with a deluxe La Roche-Posay hamper worth over €180?! I can imagine you'd like that very much.
The very kindly souls at LRP HQ have outdone themselves with this prize so it's a no brainer that you'd want to follow them on the Twitters for all their news, views and updates, right? RIGHT?
Again with the stonking postage involved here we're limited to the Island of Ireland for this one so NI and ROI only unfortunately but we're far from done with our Week 2 of fun so stay tuned.
Entry for your chance at better skin only takes a click or two and winners will be announced on Dec 24th.
Best of Luck Everyone!
Monday, December 16, 2013
WIN - One of FIVE Calvin Klein Sheer Beauty Fragrances!
Afternoon all, ready for another week of gorgeous Giveaways? I thought as much.
Today we have five.. FIVE bottles of the subtly beautiful Calvin Klein Sheer Beauty fragrance to give away.
I've used the simple Rafflecopter widget for entries again today so in just a click (or two) you can find yourself in possession of a brand new signature scent.
Because of postage restrictions this one is open to Republic of Ireland only & winners will be announced on Dec 24th.
Good Luck Everyone!
Have you entered all
of week one's incredible
comps? Do so here a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Giveaways for CherrySue's New Do - Week One Roundup!
It's been a pretty hectic week here at Casa Cherry since unveiling our new Do last week - we quickly followed up with two stunning Giveaways a day across all platforms and in the spirit of me being deadly, I've done a handy little round up of Week 1 (There's another coming!) with live links here.
Enter as is our wont and prepare yo'selves for even more epicness in the week to come!
I do want to thank each & every one of you that've commented, tweeted, FB'd and mailed to say you're loving the new site - it warms the ol' cockles so it does and I'm more grateful than ever.
Handy then that we've another week of incredible Giveaways coming your way then isn't it?
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, December 13, 2013
WIN 1 of 2 €50 Cineworld Vouchers!
Afternoon all, can you believe we're already a week into these Giveaways? I certainly can't!
This afternoon's doozy is a pair of Cineworld vouchers to the value of €50 each because I know you peeps love the movies just as much as we do.
Again entry is ridiculously simple, all I want you to do is share the Eldest Gorgebag's Hobbit review using the new share buttons below the post:
They look like this:
The choice is yours in how you'd like to do it, Facebook Like, Tweet etc and for an extra entry you can comment below and let me know which one you chose (though it's not mandatory)
You can scroll down to his review on this page or hop directly there with this link.
We'll have two winners to announce on Dec 24th and because they're Cineworld vouchers this one is limited to the Republic of Ireland.
Best of Luck everyone!
The Hobbit 2 - Teenage Movie Review
Who's in it?
Martin Freeman, Orlando Bloom, Benedict Cumberbatch , Evangeline Lilly and Ian McKellen
What's it about?
The Desolation of Smaug is the story of how the party of dwarves and Bilbo escaped the orcs at the end of the first movie and went on a truly EPIC journey to finally confront Smaug the dragon (He's actually a wyvern, just saying..), and also of Gandalf finally meeting and confronting the Necromancer.
This film was EPIC, in every sense of the word. After the first Hobbit, I was afraid Peter Jackson had lost the magic of the original trilogy by sucking all the action out of the franchise, having forgettable and some outright annoying dwarves take too much screen time, and the huge sin of MAKING THE DAMN ORCS CGI!
Just..disappointing really
But fear not, this film fixed all of my above annoyances! I HATED Ori in the first film, (he was the childish dwarf with the slingshot) so I was delighted to see much better characters like Kili and (my favourite) Balin get the screen time. Legolas is back, but totally eclipsed by the completely badass Tauriel, when she isn't killing orcs just when needed she's shooting arrows out of the sky while the 'manly' Legolas looks out over a river brooding. Benedict Cumberbatch does a fairly good job voicing the INCREDIBLE Smaug, even if he didn't have the Brian Blessed in him to do the size of the monster justice. Best of all, and now get ready for this... THEY FIXED THE ORCS! There's a couple now that finally are people again, and one even talks!
Zoidberg says it best!
The acting was great in itself, notably Gandalf letting out Gandalf-y screams as he casts spells bringing me back to playing the Return of the King game, Kili the dwarf being confidant and suave for a 'tall dwarf', and Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakenshield) has thankfully worked on cutting down his use of Christian Bale's Batman voice.
Finally Peter Jackson has returned to the original LotR trilogy form, bringing a movie that could easily rival the Fellowship of the Ring. Great foreshadowing for later to the film and fantastic new characters make this worthy of a watch from an original trilogy fan or a new one, but arachnophobes should be wary; things do get a little Eight Legged Freaks. I'm now unbelievably excited for the final instalment, so much so that I plan on seeing this again in (overpriced) IMAX with a friend this coming week. If you see it tell me what you think in the new, fancy comment section, it really is new and fancy,

The (sigh..) Eldest Gorgebag
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Things that Rustle My Jimmies
OK, I know I said I'd only be posting stupendously good giveaways for the next fortnight but this week has been a tough one on the ol' Jimmies and I need to unrustle them somehow - it's a public service really -
Here's what's been rustling my Jimmies this week:
1. Alone in the House and a Door Closes Upstairs
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2. Watching a Horror Movie and Someone
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4. 'I'm Not Racist... But..'
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5. When I'm Stuck on the Couch with Bandy Back Spasms waiting for Someone to Come Home...
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Aaaaand that's it, all is right with the world once more.
Let me know in the comments what's been rustling your jimmies, won't you? It helps to talk - it also reduces feelings of stabbiness by up to 89% - true story.
WIN One of FIVE Benefit Make Upper Makeovers in the Gorgeous South William St Boutique!
Another day another seriously good Giveaway to celebrate our new site.
This time we're talking all things Benefit and FIVE of you lucky ducks will win the chance to visit the stunning South William St boutique and be treated like royalty with a Benefit Make Upper makeover!
Because of the boutique location do please only enter if you can attend the Dublin address but don't allow scheduling to put you off as these are open ended invites so can be saved for a very special occasion or given as a very thoughtful gift.
Entry today is stooopidly simple:
Just sign up for mah newsletter over there ----> and leave a comment below to let me know you've done it (if you're already signed up lemme know that too!)
See? Peasy!
Winners, as with all #CherrySuesNewDo competitions, will be announced Dec 24th.
May the Bene-odds be ever in your favour!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Clarins Insta-Giveaway - Open to UK & Éire - Open Now!
Are you on Instagram? Jet on over there now for a chance to win one of two stunning Clarins Beauty Flash Balm Gift Sets worth €50 each!!
Winners will be announced on December 24th.
Good Luck Everyone!
Win a Luxury Nuxe Collection Worth Over €100!!
Morning all, ready for another stunning Giveaway? Yeah you are...
Is your daily facial routine in need of an overhaul? Then today's competition is one for you. We have an incredible luxury Nuxe collection that includes their number one selling product (and one of my top 3 favourites) Nuxellence Jeunesse not only that but it's bolstered by an arsenal of anti-ageing, soothing creams.
Valued at over €100 this high end line up will ensure the New Year sees a new you and getting your name in the running to win the lot couldn't be easier.
Because of the size of the prize, this Giveaway is restricted to the Republic of Ireland but don't fret international lovelies, there's another prize drop coming this afternoon!
Winner will be announced on December 24th.
Best of Luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Naked 3 Giveaway - Open Internationally!
As promised, here's the first of a plethora (love that word) of uhmazing giveaways - it's only Urban Decay's highly sought after, several times sold out Naked 3!! I'd already ordered this beaut from the States when I got the call from the lovely UD girls to meet up so who better to bequeath one to than you, eh?
This rose gold addition to the neutral palette army has been selling one unit every second in the US and that's not for nothing. Softer than the flattering taupes of Naked 1 and the bronzed beauty of Naked 2, Naked 3 truly has to be seen to be fully appreciated and I'm giving one of you lovelies the chance to do just that!
Using the simple Rafflecopter widget below, get set to get your name into the virtual fez for a piece of Urban Decay history.
This Giveaway is open internationally and running until Christmas Eve.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Welcome to the New CherrySue Doin' the Do!
Weeeeeelllll? What do we reckon? New? Improved?
It's been a long while since I threatened to shake things up around here and by gum I've only gone and done it. With a little help from lovely American designer Stasia B and a good dollop of
The original plan was to wipe the whole slate clean and work with a simple white background and picture tiles but you know what? That's not me. I like things fun, I like things colourful and when it comes to getting your mitts on the good stuff I want that to be as easy as possible. I wanted this site to feel familiar so opted for an upgrade rather than an overhaul and I couldn't be happier with the results.
All of your favourite series (i.e the ones that attract thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of you a day) are here to stay. Monday's Moments, Things that Rustle My Jimmies and the cracking Flicks on Fridays, thanks to Aaron. The predominant theme will continue to be beauty because, quite frankly, I'm obsessed.
We're also going to trial a new series 'Fellas on Fridays' where the youngest Gorgebag, Adam, he that would eat himself were he chocolate, lets us know his thoughts on all things manly (product wise) - it's about time he earned his Shiseido stealing keep!
Finally, to celebrate the new look CherrySue, we're about to kick off two weeks of incredible Giveaways. These will take place across all social media platforms so there's a chance for every one of you to get your talons on something very special. The first of these crackers will be live in 10 minutes!
It's just my way of saying a heartfelt Thank You for sticking around and checking in for the past two years and for making me laugh every single day with your comments, tweets, mails and messages. It has changed my life for the absolute better and opened up opportunities to me that I could never have dreamed possible in the past. Honestly, Thanks.
Do please let me know your thoughts
on everything in the comments.
As ever, CherrySue is a place to speak freely
and be heard - extra points for gifs (you know it).
Monday, December 09, 2013
Monday's Moments - 09/12/13
Good morning All, how was your weekend then? Mine, for the most part was spent in PJs, remote in hand and snoring pets in my very close vicinity - my idea of heaven. Apart from that though, there's been 5 Moments this week that make very sure that the Monday Blues have no business here:
1. The Holy Trinity
When having the chats with Seamus here this week about the meaning of Christmas and who's birthday was coming up next, we made an amazing discovery. Seamus said 'I'm happy it's Jesus' birthday next, I believe in him' - the Sis nodded along, listening and he continued 'there's only three I believe in though, Mam' - 'Oh yeah' says she, intrigued...
'Yep, Jesus, Michael Collins and Johnny Cash'. Child is 5, he's got no money but he's got his strong beliefs.
2. Purrrfectly Fitting
Along with the annual fleecy pjs and onesies for the Gorgebags, I also picked up a couple of Christmassy fluffy throws for the beds (and/or wearing as cloaks) this week.
I needn't tell you that Boo here has given full approval to mine. I can't even hear the television with the sound of her circling, pat patting and purring like an engine as she snuggles in. She knows her comfort - she's deffo one of us.
3. Abandon Shop
While grocery shopping this weekend I'd a particularly bad back episode that pretty much paralysed my leg, inconveniently enough, it happened while I'd already half filled the trolley and there was absolutely nothing I could do but hobble away and come home for meds and a long lie down.
Luckily enough, himself had the presence of mind to stash the trolley and continue the shopping once I was gone. There's not a lot of peeps would do that for you and there's not a lot of ways of saying how thankful I am - I may have to decrease the daily Chinese Burns as a reward.
4. A Chip Off the Old Blog
This past Friday saw a pretty exciting meeting on the cards for the eldest Gorgebag and I. You might know him from such series as Flicks on Fridays as he's written our movie reviews for the past 6 months and done a bloody cracking job at it too.
Of course I'm biased so when the people behind one of the country's most read sites requested a sit down and offered him a role in their newest online venture as their Movie Contributor saying I was thrilled for him is a huge understatement. He's a pretty perfect fit - they're pretty savvy peeps. I'll be linking the bejebus of his work as and when so do prepare yo'selves for that!
5. CherrySue's New Do!
I've been teasing this for a while, some setbacks and logistical issues got in the way but this week will see the brand new CherrySue Doin' the Do revealed!!
We never did get a chance to celebrate the site's second birthday a little while ago so I've been in chats with a couple of huge brands, lining up some epic prizes to celebrate this relaunch, our new do if you will and it's going to be pretty special. Content is king, as ever so you can expect all your favourite series and posts to continue just in a brighter, shinier format.
The plan is to spend the run up to Christmas giving every one of you lovely lot a moxy load of chances to bag something great as without you, the site wouldn't be coming on leaps and bounds as it is and I'm truly, truly grateful for that. I'm so excited for the switch!!
Tell me, what's chasing away your Monday Blues then? Day off? Finished your Crimbo shopping? Let me know!
Sunday, December 08, 2013
Cherry Pick of the Week - DJ Earworm Mashup - United States of Pop 2013 (Living the Fantasy)
It's that time of year again (already!) where DJ Earworm, the San Franciscan music melder picks the top 25 pop tunes of the year before and creates the years Unites State of Pop tune.
Living the Fantasy, his 2013 offering is much darker than previous years, which he acknowledges, “It’s a little darker-themed, I think,” Earworm (real name, Jordan Roseman) told Billboard about his latest mash-up. The artist even said he considered making this year’s song a ballad but ultimately chose to use the instrumental from Swedish House Mafia’s Don’t You Worry Child as the base of the song to make it more uptempo.
From where I'm sitting it's pretty clear to see when you compare the stomper United States of Pop 2012 and this years counterpart, there was slim pickings for decent pop music in 2013.
Regardless of the poor material to hand, I reckon Living the Fantasy will still be echoing on dancefloors the length and breadth this holiday season.
Tell me, what tunes are you lovin' of late?
Friday, December 06, 2013
Movies I Can't Wait To See
1. The Amazing Spider-Man
Having just watched the trailer for this today, I think it could be either great or awful. My reasons for that are mainly based on two of the villains, Electro and The Rhino. I grew up watching (and still do) the truly AMAZING Spider-Man cartoon of the 90's and these guys had fantastically campy costumes. It was green tights with yellow underpants and a ridiculous star-electricity-thing on his head instead of some Static Shock style transformation for Electro, and the Rhino was a big thug in a (rubber?) rhino costume that was stupid and didn't have a new edgy metal suit in the trailer. I get the movies are going for a Warg style human/animal hybrid thing and having recently watched Sideways I know that Paul Giammati is absolutely incredible (Jamie Foxx, not so much..) but straying too far from the original story could really ruin it.
2. Warcraft
It appears that more information on the much anticipated Warcraft movie was released on the 4th, but it seems to a lot of World of Warcraft and original Warcraft lovers that it may be too late after a string of repetitive expansions for the online game; but not for me! I've not played WoW for a while, but after buying a (on-sale!) Razer Naga I thought it was time to jump back in and test this baby in it's proper environment, and what better news for someone like me than news on the movie of Warcraft. I still play Warcraft 3 when my friends and me are at LAN cafés, and this movie certainly has my hopes up to tell stories like how Arthas became the Lich King or the Horde vs. Alliance War properly. Oh, and for the record, FOR THE HORDE!3. Anchorman 2
It's almost here everybody!!! Will Ferrell seems to have morphed into Ron Burgundy, even going as far as actually being an anchor on a Canadian news channel. While Anchorman is by far my favourite comedy, for some reason all this forceful advertisement doesn't bode well in my eyes, meaning that Anchorman 2 will need to be as good, if not better than the original or it will be branded as bad and a huge let down.
The Eldest Gorgebag
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Things that Rustle My Jimmies
Hello and Happy Thursday one and all, welcome to the point in the week that works in the best interest of public safety, unrustles the jimmies and restores the balance.
Yes, there's been passive aggressive, attention seeking, emotional blackmailing shizz that I could post about again and again but these here are the 5 occasions that have seriously rustled my jimmies this week:
1. People standing up on the airplane
the second it finishes taxiing
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2. Screaming/flailing children
that aren't being led outside
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3. When the cat wants to come in
SECONDS after I've let her out!
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4. Huge floral crowns
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It really is that simple, 5 gifs later and I'm feeling hella better.
Tell me, what's been rustling your jimmies this week? Don't hold back!
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