Sunday, December 09, 2012

Cherry Pick of the Week: Pink- Try

 Absolutely loving this from Pink, slower than her usual numbers but it's on a loop in my noggin this week. 

 Her video looks like a Mia Michaels tribute, gotta love a bit of interpretive dance, right? Wonder could I pay my television license THAT way? 

 Let me know what's been on repeat in your brainhole for the past seven days, ja?


Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff, I love Pink with my heart but hadn't heard that one yet.


Anonymous said...

I love this song and the Video too. Her performance of Try at the EMA's was spectacular. Makes me love her even more!

Heather! said...

Am I the only one who didn't know that Pink could dance? Like, REALLY dance?? Fantastic video, and yes, very Mia Michaels. Is there no end to Pink's talent? She is so prolific and rarely misses, musically. Full of surprises, that one. I heart her more and more with every album she releases.