Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday's Moments: 26/01/14

Good morning and Happy Monday! Before I even get into the Moments that've brightened my week no end I'd like to mention that my bandy back tales of woe are easing significantly thanks to the new meds and getting out and about a bit more. 

It's been a big mental challenge to get back on my feet (literally) but I honestly feel I'm getting there - huge thanks to all that have messaged, text, mailed and tweeted your well wishes - yisser grand like. 

And now for the five big Moments: 

1. The Saturday's GrĂșaig Guru

As if being done up by the gorgeous Smashbox team last week and given a complete photo shoot, my bandy back and I managed to pop along to learn all about the new Garnier Ultimate Blends ranges and get a new do while there. 

This here is Nick Peters, Celeb hairdresser to the stars and specifically The Saturdays (whom I heart unashamedly). We got our chat on and our celeb goss going as he blow dried some of Garnier's new 7-in-1 Dry Shampoo (more on that later) into my new bouffant. He's a really cool dude - I can see why The Sats keep him about!

2. All New Chattery

Talking about getting our Chat on, have you seen the new look Chattery? Given new life by my good pal Stasia Burrington, we've come up with a way to get us all involved and make a proper go of this little community. Check out this morning's post for more info and your chance to win!

3. Making Time for About Time

Even though I worked closely with Universal Pictures at the release of About Time last year, work commitments meant I never made it to the screening and never quite caught up. We remedied that this week. 

Watching with our Dad and the lads, this movie completely blew me away. I honestly think it was hugely underrated last year. More a movie about fatherly love and enjoying every moment that life gives you, this flick really struck a chord with us (Dad included). Bill Nighy played a blinder and despite Rachel McAdams being a stunner, he really should have been the focus. I urge you to make some time for this movie and hope it touches you like it did us this week. Bawlage, wha? 

4. Mingle Mingle

DubNet is about bringing small Irish businesses together in a friendly fun environment. Their get togethers are famed for the relaxed, laid back, completely free networking ethos for small businesses in Dublin and I'm just a little bit stunned that these lovely folks have asked me to speak at an upcoming gathering. 

I like to think it's just because of my appropriate gif finding  skillz but am leaning more toward it being about my online presence and the fact that this little website is just about to mean that I can cut back my hours and work part time.... What if it's about the gifs? I better get practising my Charades...

5. My Ickle Baby is a Man!

Last and most certainly not least, this years Moment so far happened on Friday gone. Aaron, the Eldest Gorgebag, the first love of my life and one of my best achievements yet turned 18 years of age. I could never have imagined almost 19 years ago as terrified as I was that I would ever be as proud as I am today and as contented that I made every single decision I did at the time and for the past eighteen years. 

Following an NCIRL gig on Thursday we headed out for a couple of sociables with the crew and to just sit back and see him hold his own in conversation and make a great impression on people he'd never met before made me the proudest, most embarrassing Momma ever. I can't help it - it's my job. 

Tell me, what's been your Moment of the past week? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVED About Time. I was Bawling and snotting and blubbing... reached over for a tissue only to have to fight my ordinarily stoic husbag for the tissue box! We both enjoyed the movie and its little message. I Adore Bill Nighy in anything he does. And Congrats to Adam too....