They say 'Never look a gift horse in the mouth' - they're not talking about Digital Marketing.
I've been vocal about Press samples not being gifts for eons and I love your tuppence too. #Gifted rustles ALL my jimmies and here's why: Gifts are given by friends and family not brands or agencies. Gifts are given by loved ones with no expectations ~ Press samples? Press samples are marketing materials. Simple. The prevalence of #Gifted does nothing but create confusion and ill will and I think we should stop using it entirely - Here's why:
Whether unsolicited or expected, products and services, for the most part, are given to creators by companies hoping to target that creator's audience. Sure there's no overt expectation that their product will be featured , but there's hope - that's why PR drops are often lavish affairs. It just makes marketing sense.
You'll have seen from my speaking with the ASAI this week that to them, unsolicited products are not within their code. So, by rights those using any disclosure outside of #Ad are already going above and beyond. (Click HERE to see my Insta Highlight of my ASAI session in Facebook) But it's not that simple is it? It's our responsibility to make our marketing relationships crystal clear - whether the authorities ask for it or not. And press samples? They're marketing materials.
Calling marketing materials Gifts gives the impression that companies are benevolent entities, just being overly generous with a select few, which in turn creates ill will from readers - 'Why should Sue get all these FREE THINGS? Why don't they send them to me?!' You know why? Because they're not free (some of us have spent 10+ years building real trust with our platforms) AND THEY'RE NOT GIFTS!
It's on all of us to ensure clarity, especially now when we're all extremely online - the vast majority of creators just want to do the right thing, that's why you're seeing # in the first place, but we need to be properly transparent with our readers. Roll on the involvement of the CCPC for assistance with that is all I can say 👀
Tell me, having said all that, what's your opinion on #Gifted? If you're a creator do you use it? Will you still? 🍒
If you want to check out and/or join the great discussion happening on the Insta version of this post CLICK HERE I'd love to hear from you!

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