Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Thursday Chattery - Coconut Water: Sweet Nectar or Sweaty Socks?

Happy Thursday, All. We're just 1 day away from a long weekend - 
can I get an A-fuppin'-men?!

This morning I wanted to chat about something the Sis & I got into over the past couple of days. The boke value of coconut water. 

You see, I can be swayed by general consensus on social media and if general consensus tells me that coconut water tastes like wrung out socks, then I'm gonna steer clear and that's what I did for the past 2 years. Until I didn't. I was given a chilled bottle at an event about 6 months ago and it. was. DELICIOUS!

I've been picking it up regularly since then, despite the health myths being debunked and, alongside water flavoured with citrus fruits, it's now my favourite way to re-hydrate. 

My Sis on the other hand, abhors the stuff, even when overheating on a stuffy London tube she refused to take a sip - 'It's sweat, why would I drink sweat?'. 
And so the side-eyes continued. 

Tell me this, when it comes to coconut water are you fan or foe? 

Let's Chat!

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