Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday's Moments ~ 27/06/16

Can you believe it's the end of June already? Summer Solstice has been & gone but aren't these bright nights literally mood altering? Long may they continue. 

As ever for Monday's Moments I'm giving thanks for the little and not so little things that mean there's no Monday Blues for me. It's incredibly cathartic, especially in an uncertain world so I'd urge each of us to pick even one positive of the past week to focus our energy on - it genuinely helps. For me, it's these: 

1. Asking for a recommendation for sports bras on Snapchat and being immediately inundated with hugely helpful responses. From brands, to prices, to pros and cons to unsolicited but very welcome bra pics. 

I'm putting together a list of the Top Ten so that we all might benefit but the willingness of almost 40 people to help immediately is honestly amazing. Bloody legends. 

2. Complaining about my PC being slow in the new office & having it replaced with a brand spanky desktop & new 24" monitor by lunchtime! 

Vive la Day Job!

3. Aaron calling down the stairs at 7.30 this morning to say he'd sidled a spare portion of his signature Balti into Tuppaware for my lunch today. 

I've never been more grateful not to look forward to salad in my life!

4. Signing up a new business for a three part consultancy course. They found me through word of mouth and I couldn't be more grateful. 

Have already mailed the gal that recommended me to thank her. Support like that can be quite literally life changing & I'm beyond grateful to see Irish women in business do just that.

5. Finding out that Heidi's brother is a neighbour!! 

What are the chances? Our neighbour's daughter was visiting and stopped Aaron when she thought he had taken her Dad's dog. Seems there both from the same litter but both had very different fates. 

Heidi is definitely bigger and broader but the pupper family resemblance is uncanny - I'll have to grab a shot of their reunion!

So tell us, what Monday Moment means you're not chasing blues away today? 



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Monday's Moments is a captivating collection of stories and experiences that encapsulates the essence of Mondays, offering readers a delightful blend of humor, inspiration, and relatability to kickstart their week with a smile.
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Monday's Moments" is a phrase that can be used in different contexts. It often refers to the highlights or memorable events that occur on a Monday. These moments could be personal, professional, or related to a specific event or organization.

If you have a specific question or topic related to "Monday's Moments" that you'd like to discuss or if you're looking for information about a particular "Monday's Moments" event or initiative, please provide more context, and I'll be happy to assist you further.

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"Monday's Moments" is a compelling and engaging show that covers a variety of topics, ensuring it resonates with a diverse audience. The guest selection is balanced between well-known and lesser-known figures, adding depth to the show. The production quality is noteworthy, with visuals and audio contributing to a polished viewing experience. The show's consistent release schedule on Mondays builds anticipation and establishes a routine for viewers. The show's narrative flow is smooth, and its relevance to current events is appreciated. The integration of viewer feedback fosters a sense of community and connection. The host's presence is also praised for its charisma and relatability.

dean said...

"270616" corresponds to June 27, 2016, but it doesn't immediately signify a specific event or reference. The date is related to various global issues such as climate change mitigation, global health challenges, rapid urbanization, digital privacy and security, biodiversity conservation, education reform, and cultural preservation. Climate change is a pressing global issue, with countries implementing measures like carbon pricing, renewable energy incentives, and emissions regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Global health challenges include infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, mental health disorders, and healthcare disparities. Rapid urbanization leads to challenges such as urban sprawl, traffic congestion, air pollution, inadequate infrastructure, and social inequalities. Sustainable urban planning, transportation systems, and affordable housing solutions are needed to address these issues. Digital privacy and security concerns continue to grow, with concerns about data privacy, cybersecurity, surveillance, and the ethical use of artificial intelligence. Balancing innovation with protecting individuals' rights remains a complex challenge for policymakers, businesses, and society. Biodiversity conservation is crucial for preserving ecosystems and species. Education reform is needed to prepare students for the 21st century, with innovations like personalized learning, project-based approaches, and technology integration being explored. Cultural preservation is essential for promoting social cohesion, mutual understanding, and respect. Cultural institutions, policies, and grassroots initiatives play vital roles in safeguarding intangible and tangible cultural heritage for future generations.semi truck accident law firm

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On June 27th, 2016, the UK held a referendum on its membership in the European Union, leading to significant political and economic ramifications across Europe and globally. The result, announced on June 24th, shocked many as the majority of voters chose to leave the EU. On June 27th, the fallout continued, with significant political and economic ramifications unfolding across Europe and globally. Sports events, such as UEFA Euro 2016 and Copa America Centenario, captivated audiences and generated memorable moments for sports fans. Global news and developments, including political developments, social issues, scientific discoveries, and cultural events, also occurred on June 27th. Tech and entertainment saw product launches, movie releases, and music debuts that captured public attention. Social media trends, such as viral trends, hashtags, and discussions, often dominated social media feeds on June 27th, 2016. Other noteworthy occurrences from that day may vary depending on the individual's interests and focus Abogado Delitos Sexuales de Northern Virginia.

ambrosed081 said...

The review of Monday's Moments highlights the importance of finding joy in the small things, such as the support of friends and unexpected kindnesses. The author's reflections on the past week are filled with positivity and kindness, serving as a beacon of light in uncertain times. The author's willingness to acknowledge and celebrate the goodness around them is inspiring, and their commitment to finding the silver lining in every situation is a refreshing reminder to cherish the present moment. The author's journey of finding joy in the ordinary is a testament to their resilient spirit and unwavering optimism. The author hopes that their Monday's Moments will continue to inspire others to cultivate gratitude and embrace the richness of everyday experiences. leyes de divorcio de nueva jersey distribución equitativa

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liam said...

To find noteworthy moments, you can research historical events such as news events, political developments, cultural milestones, or scientific discoveries. Reflect on personal experiences or memories, such as special occasions, achievements, challenges, or memorable moments. Check social media trends and hashtags related to June 27, 2016, to see if there were any viral moments or notable discussions. Look into local news archives or websites for events specific to your region on that date. Explore entertainment news, movie releases, music charts, or sports events from that time to see if there were any significant moments in popular culture. By delving into these areas, you may uncover interesting insights about "Monday's Moments" on June 27, 2016.Traffic Lawyer Madison VA

Rubyrise said...

Monday's Moments can be interpreted in various ways depending on the context. It can be a reflection time, a weekly highlight of the past week, a community gathering, or an inspiration or motivation theme. Mondays often mark the start of the work or school week, making it an ideal time to reflect on the past week's accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned. In social media or personal journals, it can be a way to share memorable moments from the previous week, celebrating small joys or achievements loudoun criminal lawyer.

juliettemyla said...

"Monday's Moments" is a photography series that focuses on capturing significant moments at the start of the week. It offers a refreshing perspective on mundane Mondays, turning ordinary occurrences into poignant reflections. The content transforms routine into revelation, showcasing the beauty and significance of everyday life. dui lawyer prince william county va
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jakerise said...

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kevin said...

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Ryan hugh said...

Mondays-Moments can be expanded to include "Starting Fresh," "Weekly Reflection," "Small Wins," "Motivation Mondays," "Mindful Mondays," "Positive Vibes," "Morning Routines," and "Gratitude Mondays." These phrases provide opportunities to set the tone for the week, capture moments that define intentions, celebrate small victories, fuel motivation, realign with goals, gather positive vibes, set morning routines, and start the week with gratitude Orden Protección Nueva Jersey.

williams09176 said...

The "Monday's Moments" post is a positive reflection on the small but meaningful things that have made your week brighter. It expresses gratitude for the support from others, workplace upgrades, thoughtful gestures from loved ones, and successful business endeavors. The post encourages readers to reflect on their own positive moments, fostering a sense of community and shared positivity. The conversational style and light humor add warmth and approachability to the post. The post encourages readers to appreciate the little things and encourages others to do the same. The post encourages readers to focus on their own positive moments and encourages others to do the same. divorce in virginia with child