Friday, August 01, 2014

The Friday Chattery - Mother Arrested For Allowing Her 7 Year Old Go To Park - Normal Parenting or Child Neglect?

We made it, it's Friiiiday!!

Today I wanted to ask, how old is old enough to play outside in your opinion? You don't have to be a parent to join in - common sense should guide you well. 

I ask because this week a Florida Mam was arrested for allowing her 7 year old son to go to the park less than half a mile from their house (with a mobile phone). She has had to put up $4,000 in bail money but faces 5 years in prison on felony neglect. 

I get that kids have to be supervised to a certain extent but they also need space and independence. Outside play, within reason, gives them exactly that.  I don't buy the 'the world is a more dangerous place' spiel. It only seems more dangerous because we're hearing bad news all day, every day as opposed to drip feeds and urban legends of yesteryear. 

My question is thus, if Gardaí were to enforce such measures here, how many people would be in Mountjoy by Monday? 

Let's Chat!

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