Sunday, August 21, 2011

CherrySue's Gratuitous Graphite Giveaway!

So, 66 followers later I'm thinking it's time to give something back and what's better than a Chanel polish that's taking the beauty world by storm? - egged on by the limited availability of course. 

A polish has to be special to make me annihalte my most recent nail art after 2 days, without hesitation to show you - how pretty! 

This one is for Moi, yours is untouched!
Just Stunning!
The lovely Dee & Sineád over at Viva Adonis really put the goo on me for this one with their Chanel haul post, not to mention the fact that there are no dupes! You heard me, none! 

The Goddess of the duping beauty world, Temptalia has said as much and her word is gospel. Fact. 

Once I had heard each Chanel counter was only getting 90 bottles I called BT with the quickness. Helpful gal informed me that they had only 2 bottles left (and one Peridot, sssshh, I'm hiding that on myself as a Graduation self gift) I hurtled into Grafton St and picked 'em up. 

Me, being me, a generous soul to the last, couldn't leave one bottle on it's lonesome so that's where you come in. Who wants?!

Giveaway is open to Ireland and UK followers ONLY. You have shots at this so please read the rules carefully:

To Enter: 

1. Firstly, you must be a follower of the blawg, new or old, via Google Friend Connect. (I'll be checking). If you're not following yet, where have you been? Click on the GFC on the right, post haste!

2. For a second entry, follow yours truly on Twitter @ItsCherrySue. I'm hilarious so trust me, this isn't a hardship. 

3. Third entry? You gotta give my Facebook page a big blue thumb up! You can find me here or by using the ickle box on the right. 

4. Lastly, for all you Twidder lovers,  Tweet the following 'WIN CHANEL GRAPHITE with @ItsCherrySue over on

You must leave a comment on this post to tell me how many entries you are entitled to, again, I'll be checking. Please include your email address/Twitter username/FB ID & GFC name.
The giveaway will close on the 4th of September, just in time to show off your Chanel on the school run or in the office. 

Winner will be drawn by to keep things fair. If you are under 18, please get your parent or guardian's permission to enter. If you're of the male persuasion there are no words for how many brownie points this beauty could buy you. (Hint: It's feckin' LOADS!)

Soz, Giveaway is closed, Folks, winner to be announced on the 5th-
Do stick around though, 100 Follower Giveaway to be announced at the same time! 

What are you waiting for? Another pic? Oh go on then...


Aoife - Babaduck said...

a 1, a 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4... that's Me, Babaduck, babaduck at gmail dot com, @babaduck71 and Babaduck Babbles on FB

Lorraine said...

I'd be keeping the second bottle for myself never mind putting it in a giveaway! This post was gas :L

I've liked you on facebook (Lorraine Haigney) and on twitter (Lorraine with all the all the rs) and I've tweeted the link :)

Best of luck everyone!

Unknown said...

Fcuk a Duck great giveaway

congrats on the followers

gfc name: Deefu
Twitter: @Deelightful77
FB: Dee furlong
I tweeted the tweet too

Sarah said...

Jeepers, I'd love to win this.

I've followed you on friend connect, twitter and facebook and I've tweeted about it. Check, check, check, check.

Twitter: @the_licentiate
FB:Sarah Licentiate
GFC: Sarah Waldron

Shelleyti said...

Thumbs up for the most entertaining set of rules I've read in a while :)
I'm following you here, there and everywhere:
twitter: @shelleyti
fb: michelle timon
e: michelle.timon(at)gmail(dot)com
Good luck to everyone!

Lorraine said...

Eeep, forgot my email -


Anonymous said...

Fab giveaway thank you.

I follow on GFC as Ms Red. And on twitter as @redsbeautyblog.

I've tweeted your giveaway here!/RedsBeautyBlog/status/105349964548419584

And I liked your FB page, please DM on twitter if you want my name as it's my RL name and I'd rather not publicise it otherwise.

Many thanks


Unknown said...

Seriously coveting this nail varnish!

Google Connect: Chantelle Wallace

FB name: Chantelle Wallace

Twitter name: chanywallace

I RT't the tweet about the giveaway!

Email: chantelle(dot)wallace(at)

Aoife said...

Oooh amazing prize!

Following da blog Aoife Ryan
Like you on FB Aoife Ryan
@yddib stalks you on twitter!! :-)
Email: yddib(at)hotmail(dot)com
Going to tweet your Link now. Crossing fingers & toes!

Anonymous said...

1 check
2 check
3 check
4 Done :)

GFC - Girlwiththeskew_earring
facebook - Cindy Tiernan
twitter - skew_earring
ttwittered, tweeted, twitted (whatever you call it) the comp too!

Anonymous said...

ah crapola... my mail addy cindz1222 (at) hotmail dot com...

oh and I need 4 entries please!!!!

Sile said...

Great blog, looking forward to reading the rest!!!
Twitter: SilieSile
FB: Sile Byrne

As for google friend, its the first time I've used it so I hope I'm signed up properly!
If I have then that's 4 entries :)

Lisa O'Dwyer said...


I entered 4 times:
-tweeted and followed from @LisaODwyerPhoto
-facebook like from Lisa O'Dwyer
-Google Friend from Lisa O'Dwyer

email: lisaodwyerphotography(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

email address:
Twitter: adoreabubbles
FB ID: sarah M.B.G
GFC name adoreabubbles youtube

Fabulous giveaway I have done all the entries :D

cornflakegirl said...

Brilliant giveaway Sue and this totally doesn't break my rules about not buying anymore Chanel polish because've bought it not me, hehe.
Facebook ID-Paula Dennan

Have tweeted about it also but don't know how to link to an individual tweet.

Jacinta Geraghty said...

Followed (@jacintageraghty)
Tweeted (@jacintageraghty)
Liked on fb (jacinta geraghty)
GFC (jacinta geraghty)
So thats 4 please!!

Anonymous said...

Email Address:
GFC Name: filmfashionpopculture (I hope I did that bit correct)
'Like' Page:

"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud"
- Coco Chanel

Go raibh míle

Sinéad x

paulaannryan said...

Ha, hilarious and am loving the blog!!
1,2,3 check and when on laptop will do 4, too lazy when I can't cut and paste!! Great prize!

Joanne Constantine said...

AMAZING Giveaway!!!
1-GC - Bargain Queen
2-Twitter - Robo_jojo
3. facebook - joanne constantine

Thanks sue!

Joanne Constantine said...

oops! Email is joanne(dot)constantine(at)gmail(dot)com

Scarie said...

amazing giveaway!!! 4 entries for me-
have tweeted it, i follow ya on twitter, liked the page follow ya on GFC as either scarie or kmurray3 - it sometimes gives one or the other for some reason!!

nicolacc2008 said...

Oh wow what a pize, 4 entries for me

Twitter & GFC - Nicolacc2008
email -
FB Nicola Saunders


jellyjo bean said...

I do believe I've done all 4!
What a great giveaway :)

Follow as Jellyjo
twitter as @humanb3an
Facebook as Jellyjo Bean

email: compingbean @

Nic, Strawberry Blonde said...

I've done 1,2&4 darlin - fabulosa giveaway thank you! Haven't seen this polish and it's beautiful.

Big loves, Nic x

Claire said...

Amazing giveaway hun!

I follow the blog + facebook under the alias Claire Nolan

I follow you on twitter as @clairethefair86

I have tweeted about the giveaway as well!

Hoping the gods of competition winning are shining on me for this one!


Rebecca Smith said...

What a great giveaway!
I follow on GFC as Bex Smith
Followed on Twitter as OhNoItsBex
Liked on Facebook as Rebecca Smith
and tweeted at OhNoItsBex

All 4 entries please :) xo

shiv said...

as an avid follower of your blog i feel i deserve this prize my deication to your site has been second to none !!! also after yrs of biting my nails i feel this cud b the product to inspire me to grow them , and having recently lost a toenail to cheap polish my nails need this !!! yours truely ;)

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhh amZing prize not only are you nail are genius but very generous .. And your only deadly in real life

I tweeted but of course. And Facebook

Ruthie said...

brilliant giveaway:)
following your blog, GFC:Ruthie
Following on twitter : Dr_acula__
and tweeted 'WIN CHANEL GRAPHITE with @ItsCherrySue over on'
also liked your facebook:) :ruthie byrne

boredmum said...

Hey Cherrysue, Boredmum here, i think i can enter them all, yaaaayyy, my email address is and i'm on twitter as _boredmum,

Helen said...

Wheeee! yes please!
I follow you here as Helen Nice Things and have tweeted, and you know I follow you there too... I make that three..

Anne-Marie said...

Loverly prize!!!!

I follow as Anne-Marie, I'm on twitter as its_ams and on FB as Anne-Marie Sexton x

Emz said...

WOWSERS, faaaaab prize!

GFC: Emz
Twitter: Emz_here
Email: thesecretlifeofemz(at)gmail(dot)com
I also tweeted the link :)

S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S said...

Had to delete that, actually spelt my own name wrong (duh) and forgot to say THANK YOU for a fab giveaway!Gorgeous polish, also hilarious post :) Roish, I think I've done it properly:

2.Twitter: Shannairl
3.FB: Liked as Sharon M. Maguire
4.Twitter: Tweeted the link

E-mail: shannairl1983[at]hotmail[dot]com.

McHutchness said...

Brilliant giveaway!!!

twitter: mchutchness
fb: karina hutchinson mcguinness
gfc: mchutchness

linda said...

Great blog!

GFC: linda callaghan
twitter: @callaghanlinda
facebook: Linda Callaghan
tweeted message


nevaeheaven said...

following on facebook as collette o keeffe,
gfc as nevaeheaven
twitter as nevaeheaven
and tweeted the lin :)

Hannah said...

fab giveaway lady! I follow you here and on twitter @hannahbanana661
Hope you're having a good week xxxx

Anonymous said...

ohhh fab giveaway :)

following here and twitter :) -makeup hair and glitz


Nailish Ramblings said...

When I went in to buy peridot on Sunday, the girl said she'd just sold the last one, so now I know who to blame ;p All is not lost though I got one today!

I follow you on twitter as nailishRambling, on GFC as Nailish Ramblings and I tweeted your giveaway here!/NailishRambling/status/106488731497803777

blathin said...

Love this and need it! :)

gfc: following via twitter @BlathinDePaor
Twitter: @BlathinDePaor
FB: Blathin de Paor

Email is

FitznBitz said...

Oooh this is very nice of you! Have never tried a Chanel polish before.
1. Following as FitznBitz
2. Following on twitter as @FitznBitz
3. Have tweeted the link
My email is
Thank you!!

Unknown said...

What a generous giveaway. Love the look of this polish.

I've done all of the above:
Twitter - @LouiseHartrey
Facebook - Louise Hartrey

My email is


AddictedToYou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AddictedToYou said...

Yaaay for this competition, me likey!

Followed on GFC, Twitter & liked on FB..

Email: niamhgunning AT hotmail DOT com
GFC: Niamh Ní Chonaing / AddictedToYou
Twitter: @niamhspectrum
FB: Niamh Ní Chonaing

:) x

Claire Bradley said...

3 entries for me:

FB: Claire Bradley
Twitter: Rosiemonstre and I tweeted it.
Purpeller AT gmail DOT com


lalaland111 said...

GFC emmybear411
Twitter @emmybear411
Facebook Emmy S.

Helen C said...

Eh 4 enteries for me I think !

Loving your work :-)

Aphrosie said...

Awww wow so cool of you Sue! This looks amazing! Congrats on the followers honey! :)

I have three enteries!

gfc: Aphrosie
Twitter: Aphrosiebeauty
Facebook: Ciara Nolan


Emma said...

Amazing giveaway!
I follow you via GFC as Emma Greenwood
I follow you on Twitter as @squigglyee
I liked your Facebook page as Emma Greenwood
And I also tweeted the message here:!/squigglyee/status/109033426476220417

my email address is

Thank you! xxx

Little Jo* said...

Oooh I'm your 100th GFC follower! congrats! I follow you on GFC as Little Jo and on twitter as _Little Jo_ and my email is

Fiona L said...

Would love to win this!
Following via GFC (Fiona L), Twitter (@filo1111) and Facebook (Fiona Looney).
My email is

GDSineadReilly said...

entered 4 times :) with Blogger GDSineadReilly, twitter is the same name and FB is Sinead Reilly.
Can;t believe I've only found yer blog now! thats my evening sorted!

nicola said...

Love to win
Facebook -Nicola Mc

Tweeted "Win Chanel Graphite" x

SíleC said...

Can't believe I haven't entered already!

SileC on GFC, @silec on Twitter, I'm following on Facebook & am just about to tweet as well!

Edel said...

What a give away! You're so generous, I have been sighing over this colour since I first saw it online but my budget will barley stretch to essence!

I'm following using Blogger (Edel Hennessy) and on Twitter too (EdelMHennessy).

Anonymous said...

my gfc: snowdrop

my email is

deedee said...

Last minute entry cos thats how I roll....always a paddy last.

Have done all four things for four entries.

Following here as deedee...on twitter as deeom28, tweeted the link and liked ya on facebook as deeomeara.

Loving the blog Missus.

GeorgiaP - formerly WelshBeautyBlog said...

Fingers crossed I'm not too late!
Four entries for me...
GFC (MrsP formerly WelshBeautyBlog)
Following on Twitter: georgia_prosser
Facebook page liked: Georgia Prosser
and finally I tweeted the message!


GeorgiaP - formerly WelshBeautyBlog said...

ooops and email addy is!