Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's Moments - 13/02

Happy Monday, folks, that was probably the quickest weekend ever but we're only 4 days from the next one, right?

Let's get this positivity show on the road!

1. Who? Me? 

I'm still relatively new to this blogging bizz and have been lucky enough to have written guest posts for some of my favourite blogs and people in that time. This week, however, saw an invite to guess post on the largest beauty blog in Ireland. The very ladies that inspired me to begin my own online journey think I just might be good enough to write a post for their baby.  

I'm both over excited and utterly terrified at the prospect but watch this space. Should the ladies post my material, I'll be sure to fit it into every single conversation I have, regardless of context. Squeee. 

2. What the Phúc?

I'll start this moment with a disclaimer: I'm not a nutjob. (Anyone that says otherwise is a filthy liar or an arch nemesis) (possibly both). I'd like to think I'm not very naive either so usually I don't hold much belief in clairvoyants or mediums. 

The Sis convinced me this week to head along to an evening with a medium, though, as she really wanted to attend, so my rubber arm was twisted. The night began with us assigned to numbered tables. Suspiiiiicious. Once we got past our sniggering and answering calls of 'Christopher?!' with the likes of 'Columbus?!' and promptly killing ourselves with mirth, the girl went on to reveal things that no one could possibly ever know. I left aghast. Slightly speechless and a little more of a nutjob than I went in. Mad, Ted. 

3. MAC from a Mate!

Drooling over the Unsung Heroes post on The Makeup & Beauty Blog (one of my fave blogs) I immediately took to the Twidder machine to voice my intention to purchase MAC Club. I mean look at those colours! 

Only two heartbeats passed when Mags of Emerald Eyeliner (not only a favourite blog but a favourite person) tweeted to let me know she had a spare and I was welcome to it. Now correct me if I'm wrong, is that not uhhmazing? I'm used to these ladies enabling me to part with my hard earned but more & more I'm left speechless at their true generosity and awesomeness.  Thanks, Mags, you bag of ledge x 

4. Cash Saving Kismet

Here's yet another example of how my spondoolies were saved this week. Kirstie over on had the most beautiful pics on her Roger & Gallet post that put the goo on me to try the Eau de Bienfaits fragrant body mist. You need to read her review! Roger & Gallet have had some of my favourite fragrances over the past year and I was convinced I needed this one, convinced enough to take the €33 hit. 

Waking up a little tired and emotional after a Friday night with Andrew Rudd (more on that later) I was gobsmacked to get mail on a Saturday. Lo & behold the gorgeous Paula had sent me this beauty to sample. It's fab. Rich, citrussy and long lasting, it reminds me of the holiday I can't afford to take yet. It's gotten a lot of love over on lovelygirliebits too. Made my weekend. 

5. Sweet Child O' Mine

I've taken to walking gain at lunch time, it has to be done. I'm not one for weightwatchers or their ilk but I do like scoffage as much as the next girl so some form of cardio is a must. 

Arriving back to the office, puffed out on Friday I had made the grown up decision to have a peppermint tea and by pass the bikkie tin. GO ME. Then there was a call from reception. My eldest gorgebag wanted to see me. Grabbing my purse I headed down stairs (Told you, not naive) . He'd only gone and picked me up a Malteser Bunny on his way back to school! I resisted the urge to noogie him in front of the security guard. Thanked him with a hair ruffle and headed back upstairs. Choggeleh bunnehs and epic childer FTW!! 

Yep, it's been another good one this end. Any news or scandal with ye? 


Kat ( said...

Yay Sue! So delighra for your news! You're amazeballs and you're only getting the recognition you deserve! xxx

Also I looooooooooove Mac Club. I'm sure you know this already but in case you don't, if you apply it over a dark base the green comes through. So you can use it to create a quick multidimensional eye look. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with it!

Anonymous said...

Aww... you raised you a good son!

Hmm... struggling to think of any fab Monday news. It's a bit warmer today, which is very welcome.

Nope, can't think of anything else delightful. Did have a weekend with some very nice bits in it, though.


Anonymous said...

Ah!!!! Another Mammy who is raisin' great boys. We should hook the kids up when mine is old enough to date (she is almost 7, so in about 15 or 16 years, is that good for you?).

Looking forward to the guest post! Congrats. Also watch your stats go thru the ROOF! its flipping awesome!

cornflakegirl said...

Woohoo! Congrats on the news, can't wait to see your posts over there.

And go eldest gorgebag! You raised them both well.

Sue Jordan said...

Aw Thanks, Kat, that means a lot x Also, Thanks for the tip - HAVE to try Club over a dark base. Was thinking of giving Sarah's Peacock Smokey look a go. That's the plan anyway..

Sue Jordan said...

Yay, Elenorjane, you're back! Haven't heard from you in a while. If you could send some of that warmth over here, it'd be well received ;)

Sue Jordan said...

Haha, they'll be 30+ then M'Dear, I've an inkling you won't be so keen :D

Really excited about the post. Like, Really!!

Sue Jordan said...

Ah Thanks Paula, they're good lads. Must be all the beatings ;)

JoanieBubbles said...

Well done on the guest slot dearie! The Mothership is calling you home lol. Delighted but not at all surprised. Your Monday Moments always make me smile and I'm trying to adopt your can do positive attitude. Congrats again xxx

Unknown said...

Your awsome ..... brillo beaut news.. you deserve it oh nail queen and lady who makes me laugh

I am awsome (for the club) tee hee

eldest is awsome .. how thoughful of him i want to give him a noogie now