Thursday, February 16, 2012

St Valo's Day Clarin's Winner!!

Valentine's Day may not have been a doozey for one and all but it was a lucky one for one certain ducky. 

*Best Fresh Prince Impression* Drums Please...... 

The winner of the Beeyooriful Clarins blush iiiiiissssss......


Huge congrats on the win, please send me your address to and I'll get this beauty on its way!

Thanks, everyone for entering, there's a particularly nice Giveaway winging it's way to this oul blog next week. 

Keep. Peelers. Pelt!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I've nominated you for "The Vesatile Blogger" Award! Check out the details here:

Anonymous said...

Keep peelers pelt! Bwahahahahaha. Congrats Miss MUOM. I am loving her vlog tutorials!

cornflakegirl said...

Congrats Make Up Over Mind.

'Keep. Peelers. Pelt'. Love it Sue!

Makeup Over Mind said...

Hurray! Thanks Sue! And thanks everyone! :)