Thursday, October 18, 2012

SOS for Snotbags: Essential Saviours for Cold & Flu Sufferers

I've been battling the dreaded lurgy for about a fortnight now and I'm happy to say I've almost won. Of course I'm blaming the lack of sleep and haring about the place like a headless chuck for the fact it's taken me this long to get over it but having the chats with friends and seeing my twitter timeline, it would seem I'm not alone. I thought a quick squizz at what's been helping me out might help others out too, makes sense, right? 

When colds and flu strike the first thing to go is your energy. I've been necking many of these helpful fellows to give myself a little pep to get me through the day and/or evening. Of course they come in very handy when you're low on energy day to day but when you're trying to get all the vitamin C and minerals into your being with little or no appetite then you gots to get some Berocca. 

While I'm not a huge advocate of hand sanitizers and an avid hater of Domestos or any other ad that claims to 'KILL ALL GERMS', when struck down with the sniffles or something more serious, it really is essential to clean your mitts. Of course it's no replacement for washing your hands, regularly but when out and about and sniffing into your tissue all day, a regular 'wash' of sanitizer on your hands will help prevent spread all of the lovely germs you're harbouring. Yep, there may be people you'd wish the pox upon, but play fair, peeps. 

This little tube of loveliness has been a manna from heaven, not only for my dehydrated  kisser but also for my poor flakey nose. Containing nourishing shea butter, hydrating glycerine and vitamin E, the fact that it's completely clear means I can use a little on my nose  to soothe and rehydrate without drawing more attention to its tattered state. Just €4 in all good chemists, it's one I'd say pick up with the quickness. 

Probably my favourite discovery of the past two weeks has been these Olbas tissues from Lotus. (89c in Boots) Made with 5 different oils, these double ply, heavy duty but super soft tissues are a real treat for beleaguered sniffers. You simply crush the tissue before use to release the soothing, clearing vapours. I loves 'em. 

Finally, while I'm fully aware that flu sufferers won't give a fiddler's flute what they actually look like, should it be the common cold that's stricken you, you'll still be soldiering on. A full face of slap won't be your concern but highlighter truly is your friend. A quick dab on both the inside and outside of your eyes will immediately brighten them and help you to appear a lot less dead. Sage advice for hangover sufferers too by the by. 

Apart from the above, do try to get some rest. Guzzle as much fluid, of the non alcoholic variety that you can muster and wrap up warm should you have to head out. 

Have you suffered already this season? Got any helpful hints or tips to share? *sniffle*

PS You may have noticed
that there's only one
post a day this week. 
I'm blaming the lurgy 
entirely but, fear not, full service 
shall resume on Monday! 


Unknown said...

A pack of those Lotus Olbas tissues, think its a pack of 8 or 10 of the packs of 10 are 1.49 in dealz in blanch hun. they also have the box of them for the same price, for when you are at home

Anonymous said...

Word to the wise, NEVER ever wipe you eyes with the Olbas tissues. Stings like mad!


Sarah Lanagan said...

Couldn't agree more about the vichy lip balm, I love it! Also, Nurofen Cold & Flu is amazing as it really makes you forget you've actually got a cold (until it wears off...) so you can get on with your day :)

Sue Jordan said...

Dave you little Gem, Thanks a million for that :)

Sue Jordan said...

Haha, Yvonne, I did it on the plane! Was like the bloody Wreck of the Hespres getting off :D

Sue Jordan said...

I've never tried that Nurofen Sarah, have been swalleying Benylin 4 Flu for the past few days. Will definitely pick some up, Thanks! x

myrna said...

i use cicaplast on my nose as an overnight treatment, works perfectly for me

Celine (McMademoiselleLikes...) said...

Also, when stricken with the flu and getting through tissues at lightning speed, I tend to dab a tiny bit of 8 Hours cream on the sides of my nostrils, avoid them getting all dry and flaky due to intensive tissue usage :)

Anonymous said...

when struck down with the sniffles or something more serious, it really is essential to clean your mitts. Of course it's no replacement for washing your hands, regularly but when out and about and sniffing into your tissue all day, a regular 'wash' of sanitizer on your hands will help prevent spread all of the lovely germs you're harbouring.