Thursday, July 05, 2012

Metallic Marshmallow Nails - Fun Twist on the Classic French

Yep, I realise this is the second day this week I'm bringing you a nail tutorial but this one was a little bit too pretty not to show you - that and I'm living in a house of teenage hogs and if I didn't do these today the props would have mysteriously disappeared. As it stands there was only half a bag for these shots! Beasts.

Today's creations are a simple twist on the classic French manicure, a bright metallic nail that's stunning in the sunlight yet subtle enough to be worn to the office. I'm all for getting my fill of bling every day of the week.

Colours Used: Gosh Frou Frou & Revlon 860 Metallic
While my choice of colours is a little bit girly, this design will work with any combination of metallic polishes for a fun but simply achieved French look. I genuinely can't stop looking at this version though so how about some more pics?

Two thin coats of Gosh Frou Frou finished with a Revlon tip
I've worn these pretties a couple of times now as they're so simple to put together and every single time I've had compliments. They suit either long or short nails (mine have just been trimmed back for the first time in weeks) and the tip can either be done freehand, by using the tape method or by using a reinforcement ring (full tutorial on their uses will be up next week).

What do we think? Would you try 'em? Would you love 'em? Would you savage a handful of marshmallows right about now?


Unknown said...

Amazing Sue - the photos have me tempted to lick my screen!

Anonymous said...

I have various "decorative" tins on the tops of my kitchen cupboards... which I raid when nobody is looking for special ingredients, or as you say: props. If they get left in the cupboard they get scoffed with nary a consideration for the rest of the household...

Love this look Sue. You Genuis, you!

Anonymous said...

ah yes... I clearly meant genIus. I need more coffee...

Lovely Girlie Bits said...

I lahve them! And now want marshy mallows :)

boredmum said...

mmmmmm nom nom nom marshmallows, will try and give this a go, very interested in this reinforcement ring u speak off, i have very unsteady hand,

Sue Jordan said...

Haha, it worked!!!

Sue Jordan said...

Thanks a mill, Cindy, I'm with you on the hiding the goods - they're like a swarm of feckin locusts round these parts :)

Sue Jordan said...

Thankies! :)

Sue Jordan said...

I'd love to see them if you do, Alison! I'll have a post coming up about the reinforcement rings and other hints and tips x