Monday, January 27, 2014

The Monday Chattery with a Little 'Get Involved' Incentive!

Look at that, a snazzy personalised new header for The Chattery with huge Thanks to Stasia, my State side designer. What do we make of it? 

Our viewing numbers have been phenomenal over the past couple of weeks but comments haven't always reflected that so I thought we'd make a proper go of this forum and help each of you come out of your shells a bit. 

Our place to chat about anything and everything, be it beauty, life, work and laughs - I'd love to see it build into a little community so we can not only help and support one another but find truthful answers to questions we're a little intimidated to ask our mates. 

At a Web Summit a fortnight ago I chatted with a rep from One 4 All vouchers and they've agreed that The Chattery is something that could see being beneficial so we're in the process of having that beautiful header transferred onto a months worth of €20 vouchers!

Each week we'll choose one Chatter to be the lucky recipient of the voucher and all you have to do to be in the running is comment (!) - be that asking a question, posting a view or even helping a fellow Chatter out. Good idea, right? 

Tell me then, what were you up to for the weekend? and/or What do you make of all this? 

Let's get our Chat on!


Unknown said...

have a teething, non sleeping 9 month old so going around in a zombified state, was about to watch true detective yesterday but he woke up right at the part they find the first body. so that got paused to be watched on another day. As it was too late ehen he finally dozed off, dying to see the lego movie, and loving Macklemores performance.

Felicity said...

Goood Mooorning Ieeeeerlaaaand! I'm in the same boat with David - well, not the teething babby, we're well past that thank the Lord, but I'm a total zombie today. Had a bad weekend with the lymphedema flaring up (spent half of Saturday with my leg straight up in the air)which didn't help me sleep at all, then we had to rush round to a friends with heaters in the middle of the night 'cos her boiler busted. Got home to discover two of the furkids had decided my foot pillow was their bed for the night. Ever tried to keep your leg elevated without any support while going to sleep. Literally rustled my jimmies.

Love the new header, Sue, 'tis grand allllllltogether

Nichole Quinn said...


I'm pregnant (first time) and would be really interested in recommendations for a body lotion that can help with stretch marks..on a very limited budget, as due to pregnancy related illness I'm currently on long term sick leave

Unknown said...

Hello Nichole,

Can you get organic coconut oil? It's good to rub on your body (or use on hair). I used it on my belly when I was pregnant. I have also tried using extra virgin olive oil but I don't like to think that I was using cooking oil on my body... so i didn't stick with olive oil for long... :p

Nichole Quinn said...

I can look, in a small town so maybe hard, any online recommendations !?

Felicity said...

Hey Nicole, congratulations! You can't really go wrong with Bio-oil, which is relatively cheap. It starts at about a tenner for a small bottle. As usual, the bigger the bottle you buy the better the actual cost per ml, I think it's about 30 squids for the biggest? Remember nothing can help with stretch marks once they have gone white, but if yours are still red, then Bio-oil does the trick just as well as the pricier offerings. Another good thing to help from within is coconut oil. If you're somewhere near an Asian supermarket, for the love of the baba J buy it there - a huge jar should set you back about a fiver. Coconut oil loses a lot of its 'goodness' if used for cooking, so it's best to take it added to food or drink at the end of cooking, or whole if you can stomach it. I have it in a cup of White tea am and pm. You need about 2 tablespoons a day to benefit. It's really solid at room temp, so I usually leave a spoon in the tea while it brewing, which makes it a lot easier to dispense. You can also melt it and use it directly on the skin, or as a conditioner for your hair (like a hot oil treatment).

Felicity said...

Bio-oil is available online from Boots, Nicole. Feel Unique sell coconut oil, but it's sooo spendy from them.

Unknown said...

Hello Nichole, I found this link with benefits of coconut oil. This website also sells it. I am not affiliated with it. Not sure which country you are from but seems this website ships internationally.

I am currently in Thailand so we get good organic ones here with relatively cheap price. You might want to consider other reader's suggestions. :)

Unknown said...

Congrats Nichole.
jesus, im going to sound like a right aul one, yep the bio oil is great but pop over to dealz. they have a cheaper version * that works a treat on scars and stretch marks for 1.49. if you cant find one nearby lets know and I can wing some in the post to ya. * just for you, dont want cherrysues page getting inundated with peeps looking to bum stuff off me ;)
oh and as much as I love taylor swift, im loving her reaction to the fact that daft punk won the best album

Nichole Quinn said...

Great, thanks for the comments, I have somehow managed to avoid stretch marks till now so I have been quite depressed about my new "friends" so on a mission for the oils ;-)

Nichole Quinn said...

Do you know the name of the dealz one? my niece the queen of discounts lives close to one and is visiting this weekend.

Nichole Quinn said...

Also was it just me or did anyone else find the red carpet outfits just a tad disappointing at the Grammy ?

Unknown said...

Sure, DermaV10 make it and its called rescue oil. 49ml bottle too

Nichole Quinn said...

Thanks, will be Skyping later and will put the order in

Lorraine - John It's Only Makeup! said...

Nichole Quinn, I find it's best to shop around for Bio Oil - have seen it much cheaper in Penneys than it is in Boots!

Danni said...

Hey Nichole, before forking out for the bio oil I would see if you can find a way to smell it first. I know a lot of people probably wouldnt notice a smell off it but when I was pregnant I couldnt put the stuff anywhere near me, it smells really gross - to me anyway and thats just amplified with the super preggo sense of smell! Or maybe I just had a dodgy bottle?

B said...

Congratulations Nichole! Bio oil is great for preventing stretch marks, sometimes Aldi do their own version of this on their specials. I also found cocoa butter great for keeping my skin soft when I was pregnant, and if you use shower gel La Roche Posay have a great fragrance-free one from their Lipikar range which costs about €11 for a big tube. Drinking lots of water is important too to keep your skin hydrated, and this is free :-)

If you already have any multi-purpose oils like Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse you could apply this before applying an intensive moisturiser like the Body Shop body butters or anything you already have at home. Hope this helps :-)

Sue Jordan said...

Afternoon all!!

I have a question that hasn't quite been answered yet.

How come the world isn't up in arms against Beyoncé after last nights performance in the same way they were against Miley?

I don't buy that they're married so it's ok - thoughts?

RiRi said...

Hi everyone, Nicole I am a 1st time mama as well, 20 weeks this week, yikes, and I also worry about stretch marks. The key is to keep the tummy moisturised and not itch/scratch when its itchy. I am using a mix of things on whatever I can get my hands on. Sweet almond oil, cocoa butter and bio oil. Good luck, and keep in touch.

Nichole Quinn said...

Just YouTube it now, your right it's quite unfair on poor Milly...

Nichole Quinn said...

Tho the daily mail is very upset at her performance

Felicity said...

Criticise Queen Be(y)e? The noive of ya! Lookit, Beyonc3e, Rihanna, Miley, the whole bloody lot of them are perpetuating a seriously nasty stereotype of successful women (to wit, that you have to take your clothes off and shake bits of your surgically enhanced/preserved/retouched anatomy in the general direction of the nearest willy because it proves you're 'fierce'). Hence, the DD listens to Led Zeppelin, Queen, Leonard Cohen, Linkin Park, the Foo Fighters, Guns n Roses, Kate Bush, Blondie and Pat Benatar. Stuff from back when music required talent and nasty was a bad thing. I'm all for women wearing whatsoever they choose, but this is about behaviour, not merely clothing choice. As for the 'I don't wanna be a role modellll' wail, they can f*ck right off. If you are marketing your music directly at kids, then you better damn well accept that you're gonna be a role model, beyotches.

Another bug bear.... A-hem...

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys..
Nichole have a look in your local dunnes, look by the oilve oils/cooking oil section and look for a jar of coconut oil. I get the Cocowell brand and it is about €8 for a 500ml jar and it is great. I use it on EVERYTHANG!!!!