Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Thursday Chattery

Hey Thursday, How you doin'? 

Today is Pay Day so although Jimmies are on their way in an hour (ready yours) I'm still pretty chipper. 

I had tea with a pal this week and she was just saying that she LOVES the Following, says I 'Isn't it as good as the first series', says she 'THERE'S A SECOND SERIES?!'

Tell us, what are LOVING on the tellybox these days - between you & I, I'm on episode 4 of True Detective with Woody Harrelson & Matthew McConaughey - it's creepy as all hell but Sweet Baby J, they're great together. 

Before that it was Broadchurch (LOVED it) and this Friday it'll be Season 2 of House of Cards on Netflix so tell us - what's floating your televisual goat of late? Hmmmm? 

Remember, we have a
€20 One 4 All voucher
for the best/most helpful
Chatter this week!


Felicity said...

Good morning Ireland. Hoping you all got through the night safely. My wee ferals came through all safe thank God, although a sanctuary I support down in Kerry was half destroyed, so I'm feeling both sad and relieved this morning.

On the telly box, I love Sleepy Hollow, The Blacklist and Person of Interest. Not sure if they're all on the actual telly box due to we don't have Sky so I watch them by alternative means.

Breedao said...

Morning - day off today so a bit of lie in :). Went to see American Hustle last night - so many good performances - on the tv watching The Muskateers - love a bit of a swashing and buckling and Vikings although I've not made my mind up yet about that - will watch one more episode

Anonymous said...

We loved The Following too. Parks and Recreation is big in our house at the moment, I really liked Clemence Posey in The Tunnel, and The Killing on Netflix is a great series too.

Unknown said...

Ah this is where you lot laugh at me.

Prior to 10 months ago I would have watched nearly 4 or 5 shows a night
white collar - dont any more
castle - I dont anymore
the originals and vampire diaries - would be on in the room
mike and molly - no longer watched
himym - I dont even care if he never meets her now
there are a lot more to that list but dont want to bore yis

what I do watch

I love nashville. the songs alone that appear in it could make a soundtrack per episode and I do have the guilty pleasure of loving my country music.

Justified, Boyd Crowther and Rylan Givens. enough said

Chicago pd is on here to remind the o-h of what home town is like since she moved here.

Sons of Anarchy - true it is on a break but that is one show that is always watched.

Banshee. Absolute filth and totally fecked up but still amazingly brilliant and love it. They better make a lot more than 7 episodes for this season

The blacklist - love it. like an actiony my name is earl ;)

Got my knee injected yesterday, was in ribbons last night so hopefully this is the end of it. Also didnt find any tellys for 1c and anyone I sent the code to didnt find any either. * but I know they are there ;)

Unknown said...

Anyone else think the following is the most inept fbi agents trying to track down the most inept serial killer?

* cat- pigeons - go for it ;)

Unknown said...

Hey everybody, hoping you're all safe and well after the night's mental weather... And its promised worse again... Great!! Really loving Revenge at the minute! Although part of me thinks its highly unrealistic that someone would go to such lengths to seek revenge at the same time it keeps me on the edge of my seat!
Oh that and Next Weeks News, it just makes me giggle so much!!

Happy Thursday! :)

Nichole Quinn said...

Previous to being pregnant and unwell, I never watched that much tv, years of living in a country where anything decent is dubbed gets you out of the habit.

I was given a netflix subscription for I'm the queen of rubbish tv.

I like lost girl (filth) the bridge, him&her, the killing (original version) and Wallander.

I've also been given a box set of strike back, it's a terrible boys own show from sky, however it's watchable for one of the leads, Sullivan Staplton, he's a total hottie.

Am also going to start on Love/Hate, missed it all the first time round.